Admissions 2025 Integrated Programmes


Can we measure a human?
Elizabath Salmiya K S
Elizabath Salmiya K S
  • General Analysis
  • 10-05-2022
Can we measure a human?

The question seems to be interesting, isn’t it? Can we measure, and if yes, on what basis? The theories which we have come across till now say that only quantitative things can be measured. So, keeping this idea in mind we can only measure height, weight etc.

According to me, measuring a person should be done based on his/her qualities. But this shouldn’t be a judgemental act based on his/her positive and negative aspects. Each person in this world is an individual possessing some qualities of their own. These qualities are something that they have earned by their life experiences or acquired from their ancestors.

Parameters/Tools for measuring a human being


There should definitely be a tool for measuring anything. In our case, the tool required is the art of observation and communication. The best way to know a person is to observe the way s/he approaches different things around him/her.  The next step is to communicate with him/her.


Platform for Measure


You will be wondering, without a platform where you will be able to do this. The platform for this is our life itself. We have different stages of life, at these stages we come across different kinds of environment and people. At our younger age, before joining school, the two persons we have spent most of our time with is our parents. The foundation for what we are now is the result of the things we have observed from our parents. Likewise, in schools, colleges, the places we work, and in all places that have our presence, observing people around us can help us a lot to discover even more interesting things.


Elizabath Salmiya K S

M.Sc. Statistics with Data Science                                       
