Admissions 2025 Integrated Programmes


Are you ‘Glossophobic’?
Ms. Tanika Rajeswari
  • General Analysis
  • 01-05-2022
Are you ‘Glossophobic’?

Glossophobia, an extreme fear of speaking in public, or a speaking anxiety is experienced by about 75% of people to certain degrees. We tussle to maneuver between our nerves and deliver a short speech, causing us to black out momentarily. It’s much familiar to all of us how we forget what we spoke right after our speech as we were plunged into tension. On the other hand, in the 21st century, communication or speaking in public is a paramount ingredient to success, especially in areas of personal, academic, and professional. Good communicators are valuable assets to an organization and it is a skill that can easily make you a great leader and enhance professional network.
Washington Irving, during a dinner party to honor Charles Dickens, hesitated midst of his speech and sat down embarrassed. Turning to his friend, he remarked, “There, I told you. I would fail”. Irving lacked practice, leading to weakening his confidence. Every legendary speaker has put in hours of practice and rehearsals before their masterpiece speeches. In the film, The King’s Speech, we see how King George VI sabotages his limiting beliefs on public speaking through various lessons taught by the speec therapist, Lionel Logue. We understand how the art of public speaking through its theories and methods makes the King deserving to lead the country through war. There isn’t a structured checklist that guarantees a great public speaker overnight. It takes practice and preparation. The more speeches you do the better it gets.
The Department of Languages of Rajagiri provides a Speakers’ Forum, an initiative for the students of Rajagiri to appreciate and engage in the art of the spoken word. The forum celebrates and nurtures the orator in each one of us.
The format of the Club meetings focuses on criteria as follows:
 Experiential learning – By giving prepared and impromptu speeches, you practice and improve.
 Feedback – The public speaking and other communication skills will be evaluated by the select ‘grammarian- evaluator’ every session.

 Mentoring – Experienced students encourage, guide and support in crafting and delivering speeches.
 Self-paced program – Gives ample space to develop skills at one’s own pace and comfort level through various activities based on speech.
 Annual key-note lectures from professional trainers.
