Admissions 2024 Integrated Programmes



Our Vibrant Alumni Association

OYSTER- Organization of Yester Year Students of Rajagiri College of Social Sciences

Our Alumni are a strong support to the Institution. Upon graduation from Rajagiri College, each student is enrolled as a lifelong member of our Alumni Association-OYSTER.

OYSTER, started in 1980, currently has functional National Chapters in Trivandrum, Chennai, Bengaluru, and New Delhi and International chapters in Dubai, London, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and New York.

OYSTER has launched a Community Networking site called Rajagiri Alma connect ( which promotes networking among the Rajagiri alumni and has more than 2000 active members as of now. This is a vibrant platform for Rajagirians where opportunities for placements, professional inputs, alumni achievements etc are shared.

OYSTER celebrates January 26 as the Annual “Homecoming Day”, where alumni gather alternatively on our two campuses. We especially honour the Golden Jubilee (50 years), Silver jubilee (25 years) and Decennial (10 years) graduated batches during these Get-togethers.

The OYSTER, with its members spread across the globe, aims to provide networking opportunities through the development of various activities and initiatives that fosters relationships among alumni, students, faculty, and in general the Rajagiri community.

The contribution of our Alumni Association to the Alma Mater (financial and non-financial terms)

  • Alumni members/ batches have instituted Proficiency awards and Merit scholarships for the students.
  • Alumni contribute to the extension activities of the College through Rajagiri OutREACH (Social extension wing), Rajagiri Transcend (social arm of Rajagiri), CRAYONS (Inter orphanage cultural fest), LANTERNS (mentoring camp for needy children in the neighbourhood), Flood relief activities during Kerala Floods 2018 etc.
  • Alumni members serve as members of the Boards of Studies of our various academic programmes and contribute to updating the syllabus, the introduction of new courses and revamping of the teaching-learning process.
  • Alumni members support Rajagiri during conferences, seminars, Intra & intercollegiate fests organized by the various departments in the College as resource persons or linkage to other resources.
  • Regular interactive sessions with alumni are arranged in all the departments in the form of induction programmes, technical inputs, syllabus feedback session, career orientations etc.
  • Rajagiri HRx Club–Facebook ( of Human Resource Management Alumni is a very active forum for discussions, webinars, and lateral placement support. They organize programmes for the professional development of Rajagiri Alumni.
  • Alumni members from various chapters support Rajagiri as panel members in the mid-term review of summer internships of students at various places in India and abroad.
  • Pre-placement orientation and Corporate Etiquette Training for students are facilitated by our practising professionals who are  our Alumni



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