Admissions 2024 Integrated Programmes





Rajagiri College of Social Sciences (Autonomous) envisages a responsive role with a vision to promote faculty scholarship and intellectual contributions through academic research in all the functional areas. In its endeavour to promote academic research and publication, Rajagiri encourages its faculty members to undertake various research assignments that can have an impact on the society, business and other stakeholders. This research assignment has its focus on wide ranging topics related to the economy, society, industry, Government agencies etc. in the form of Minor research projects and Major Research Projects (MRPs). The research assignments undertaken by the members of the faculty are expected to be scholarly, in the sense that they are based on generally accepted research principles, validated by peers and are disseminated to the appropriate audience.  Faculty are also expected to initiate innovation throughout their research assignment, and to ensure that the research output contributes to theory, practice and teaching-learning process.

The research projects executed by faculty members of Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, in various domain areas   in management such as finance and economics, marketing, human resource management, operations management,  Information Systems, business analytics, general management, and other academic disciplines such as social work, computer sciences, library science, commerce and psychology are expected to add significant value to the existing body of knowledge, thereby contributing to the society at large.

The research funding initiatives of RCSS intend to facilitate its faculty members to carry out pure and applied research in social sciences and collaborate with academic and research institutions of national and international repute.

This policy provides the guidelines for faculty members who wish to undertake the Faculty Research Programme under Minor Research Projects.

Click here to download Research Promotion Policy