Admissions 2024 Integrated Programmes

Department of Computer Science

Workshop & Conferences

National Science day 

foundation workshop on
Prototyping using Arduino and Proteus

Organised by dept. Computer sciences

Rajagiri College of Social Sciences (Autonomous), Dept. of Computer Science is organising a Five-Day Hands-on National Workshop on the topic "Machine Learning & Data Visualisation Using Python & MS Power BI" on Feb 4th - 8th 2020. 

About Workshop:

Machine learning is booming technology in the business domain and several sectors are making use of them for large- scale enterprises. Python can be used to handle big data and perform complex mathematics. Python can be used for rapid prototyping, or for production-ready software development.
TensorFlow is an open-source software library for numerical computation using data-flow graphs. It was originally developed by the Google Brain Team within Google's Machine Intelligence research organization for machine learning and deep neural networks research, but the system is general enough to be applicable in a wide variety of other domains as well. MS Power BI is a suite of Business Analytics tools to analyse data and share insights. Power BI dashboards provide a 360-degree view for business users with their most important metrics in one place, updated in real-time, and available on all of their devices.
The purpose of the five days’ hands-on national workshop on “Machine Learning and Data Visualisation Using Python and MS POWER BI” is to develop expertise by providing hands-on exposure to the innovative applications which contribute to machine learning technology.

Date: February 4 to 8, 2020.

Venue: Carmel Lab, RCSS Kalamasserry Campus.

For more details View Workshop Brochure.


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