Admissions 2024 Integrated Programmes

Department of Psychology

Milestones Of Department


  • International Conference on Adlerian Psychology on October 21, 2016 conducted. Dr. John Carey, Professor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA was the chief resource person for the program.


  • Fr. Dr. Varghese K Varghese (Dean) visited Australian Catholic University and Macquarie University as a visiting scholar for a week.
  • As part of Distinguished Professor Lecture series, Dr. Philip Laird, Trinity Western University Canada, gave a lecture on Forensic Psychology.
  • As part of Distinguished Professor Lecture series, Dr. Belinda Cash, Professor, Charles Sturt, University Australia, on the psychological practices in India and Australia.
  • As part of Distinguished Professor Lecture series, Dr. Eveline Le Roy, Professor, Vives University College, Belgium, gave a lecture on School Psychology.
  • As part of Distinguished Professor Lecture series, Dr. Anna Zilova, Catholic University of Ruzomberok, Slovakia gave a lecture on working with Gifted Children in  Slovakia.


  • As part of Student Exchange Programm on  2018 April, Neema Rose Joseph, Ninnu Elizabeth Simon, Shazia Shajahan and Sandra Saju went to National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan. 
  • Department of Psychology conducted an International seminar on community psychology Research in Collaboration with University of Sabah, Malaysia on September 10, 2018
  • Dr Barbara A Wilson was the resource person for International Distinguished Lectures Series Webinar-2 November 12, 2018


  • A team of Faculty members visited the Department of Psychology from the University of Bath, on June 2019 
  • International colloquium on cross-cultural mental health, University of South Australia
  • Fr Varghese K Varghese (Dean) visited and had discussions on student and faculty exchange and collaborative research programs in the following Universities.  Catholic University of Eisenstadt, Germany; Vives Universty College Belgium, Catholic University of Lile France; University of Padua Italy.  As a result of this visit and discussion, collaborative research between University of Eisenstadt and Rajagiri College of Social Sciences was initiated.
  • International seminar on qualitative research by Dr Balan Rathakrshnan from University of Malaysia, Sabah on 12 July 2019.
  • Faculty of RCSS (Dr Sanju George) hosted and mentored a Fullbright scholar from the USA in April 2019.
  • Faculty from the RCSS’ psychology department has published various scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals. In 2019, they had papers published in the Asian Journal of Psychiatry, Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine, Journal of Gambling Issues and British Journal of General Practice.
  • Dr Sanju George was a scientific committee member for ‘Future Frontiers in Asian Psychology (3rd Malaysian International Psychology Conference and 7th ASEAN Congress’, 2, 3, 4 August 2019. 
  • In collaboration with Trinity Western University, Canada, Department of Psychology conducted 30hrs certificate course in Forensic Psychology by Dr. Philip G Liard (Vice Provost, Trinity Western University, Langley, BC, Canada) from 21 September to 25 September, 2019
  • A National Seminar on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder was conducted on 08 November 2019.  Dr. T. S. Jaisoorya, Addl. Professor of psychiatry, NIMHANS and Dr. Gitanjali Natarajan, Associate professor and HOD, Department of clinical psychology were the resource persons.
  • On 01 December 2019,Department of Psychology started a Community Mental Health Centre at Moolampilly
  • On 06 December 2019 “Psyesta 2019”, the grand national fest and exhibition was organized for both Higher Secondary school students and Psychology under Graduate students


  • 22 Post graduate Psychology students participated in the 107th Indian Science Congress held in the University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK Campus, Bangalore from January 3rd to 7th, 2020.
  • On 16 January 2020, Training Programme on “Hypnosis-Basics and Beyond” was conducted with Dr. Jini K Gopinath (Chief Psychology Officer at YourDost) as the resource person.
  • On 19 January 2020, 37 Undergraduate students participated in Nature Camp conducted at Kanthalloor in collaboration with Kerala Forest Department.
  • On 24 January 2020, International Conference on “Positive Psychology- Science of Happiness” was conducted with Prof. Dr. Isabel Paul (Associate Director, COPE, Christ University Bangalore), Dr. Joachim Thomas (Prof.of Psychology, Katholische Universitat, Germany), Dr. Shivarama Varambally (Psychiatrist, Prof. Dept. of Psychiatry, NIMHANS, Bangalore) as resource persons.
  • On 28 January 2020, “SPARSH 2020”, cultural fest for specially abled children in Kerala was conducted.
  • On 03 February 2020, a National seminar was organized on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Dr. T. S. Jaisoorya, Addl. Professor of psychiatry, NIMHANS was the chief resource person.
  • On 06 February 2020, a workshop on Thematic Appercetion Test was conducted. Dr. Milu Mary, (HOD, Prajyothi Niketan College, Puthikkad, Kerala) was the resource person.
  • On 12 February 2020, a Colloquium on Mental Health practices in India & Canada was conducted. Dr. Philip G Liard (Vice Provost, Trinity Western University, Langley, BC, Canada) was the resource person.
  • On 22 February 2020, a One Day Workshop on  Mushroom Cultivation was conducted with Dr. Ramesh B and Dr. Krishna Kumar faculty members of the department of commerce, RCSS as resource persons.
  • On 20 August 2020 International Webinar titled 'Dementia - How to Identify, Assess and Manage’ was organized. Key Speakers were Dr.C T Sudhir KumarMD, MRC Psych, DGM (Honorary Consultant, Psychiatrist, ARDSI, Kottayam), and Dr. Sen Varghese MD, MRC Psych, DGM, Consultant Psychiatrist, National Health Services, UK
  • On 11 October 2020 an International Webinar on PsychoVaccine for COVID 19 was organized. Dr. Fr. Rajeev Michael (Ph.D in Clinical Psychology, NIMHANS, Bangalore) and Dr. Sr. Roshini Kunnel (PhD in Clinical Psychology,Switzerland) were the resource persons.
  • On 18 November 2020, Interactive Student Webinar on Psycho social impact and ways of copying and management of COVID 19 was organized. Eveline Le Roy (HOD VIVES university, Belgium) and Faculty Members VIVES university Belgium:  Mr Stijn Meuleman ,  Ms Wendy Compagon & Ms ElienLamote  were the resource persons