Admissions 2024 UG (Honours) Video FAQ

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Center for Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation


At the Centre for Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation (CEDI), we envision creating a thriving ecosystem that fosters a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation. Our aim is to empower individuals to explore their entrepreneurial potential, catalyze transformative ideas, and drive sustainable growth. By nurturing a dynamic space for ideation, collaboration, and skill development, we strive to be a catalyst for economic and societal progress.

Perceptive and objectives

Establishment of a Centre for Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation at Rajagiri College of Social Sciences, as a joint initiative of the Department of Commerce & Department of Management and Professional Studies. This centre aims to foster a culture of entrepreneurship, drive innovation, and contribute to socio-economic development in the region. By offering a comprehensive range of programs, resources, and support services, the centre will empower students, faculty, and the wider community to develop entrepreneurial mindsets and thrive in the dynamic business landscape.

The Centre Objectives:

  1. Cultivate an entrepreneurial ecosystem: The centre will foster an environment conducive to entrepreneurship by organizing workshops, seminars, and mentoring programs. It will facilitate collaboration between academia, industry, and government to nurture innovative ideas and encourage start-up ventures.
  2. Enhance entrepreneurial education: The centre will coordinate and offer courses and programs focused on entrepreneurship, innovation, and business development. These programs will equip students with the knowledge, skills, and practical experiences needed to excel in entrepreneurial endeavors.
  3. Facilitate innovation and research: The centre will provide a platform for interdisciplinary research, encouraging faculty and students to explore innovative ideas. It will also establish partnerships with industry leaders to facilitate knowledge exchange and commercialize research outcomes.
  4. Incubate and support start-ups: The centre will establish a dedicated incubation facility that provides start-ups with mentorship, funding opportunities, networking support, and access to resources. This will facilitate the growth of viable ventures and contribute to the local economy.

Expected Outcomes:

  1. Increased entrepreneurial mindset: The centre will inspire and motivate students to embrace entrepreneurship as a career path. It will cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset characterized by creativity, risk-taking, and resilience.
  2. Successful start-ups: The centre's incubation program will support the development and growth of start-ups, leading to a higher number of successful ventures. This will create employment opportunities and contribute to economic development.
  3. Research and innovation: The centre will foster a research environment focused on innovation and entrepreneurship, resulting in novel ideas, patents, and research publications. This will enhance the institution's reputation and contribute to knowledge advancement.
  4. Industry collaboration: The centre will establish strong partnerships with industry leaders, fostering collaboration and enabling knowledge transfer. This will create opportunities for internships, industry projects, and job placements for students.

Team of CEDI

Sl. No.

Name of the Person



Role in CEDI


Dr. (Fr.) Saju MD





Dr. (Fr.) M K Joseph CMI


Department of Commerce, Management and Professional Studies

Dean, CEDI


Dr. Pradeep P N

Assistant Professor

Management and Professional Studies



Dr. C.T. Francis,


Head of the Department

Dept of Commerce



Dr. Ayana Johny,


Head of the Department

Dept. of Management and Professional Studies



Mr. Nebu Cherian P


Assistant Professor

Dept. of Commerce



Mr. R.D. Brittoraj,


Assistant Professor

Dept. of Commerce



Mr. Vishnu N S


Assistant Professor

Dept. of Commerce



Ms.Prethy Nagaraj,


Assistant Professor

Dept. of Management and Professional Studies



Institution’s Innovation Council (RCSS_IIC)

The Government of India, through the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), has instituted the 'MHRD's Innovation Cell (MIC)' with the objective of systematically cultivating an atmosphere of innovation within all Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). The principal mission of MIC is to inspire, motivate, and nurture young students by providing support for the development of new ideas and their transformation into prototypes during their formative years.

MIC aims to promote the establishment of 'Institution's Innovation Councils (IICs)' in selected HEIs. A network comprising these IICs will be created to foster innovation within the institutions through diverse approaches, thereby building an innovation promotion eco-system on the campuses.

Major focus of IIC

To create a vibrant local innovation ecosystem. Start-up supporting Mechanism in HEIs. Prepare institute for Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements Framework. Establish Function Ecosystem for Scouting Ideas and Pre-incubation of Ideas. Develop better Cognitive Ability for Technology Students.

Functions of IICs

  • To conduct various innovation and entrepreneurship-related activities prescribed by Central MIC in time bound fashion.
  • Identify and reward innovations and share success stories.
  • Organize periodic workshops/ seminars/ interactions with entrepreneurs, investors, professionals and create a mentor pool for student innovators.
  • Network with peers and national entrepreneurship development organizations.
  • Create an Institution’s Innovation portal to highlight innovative projects carried out by institution’s faculty and students.
  • Organize Hackathons, idea competition, mini-challenges etc. with the involvement of industries.

Team of IIC

Sl. No.





Fr.(Dr. Saju M.D. CMI




Fr.(Dr.) MK Joseph CMI

Vice President

Commerce, Management and Professional Studies


Dr. Pradeep P N


Management and Professional Studies


Dr. Binoy Joseph

ARIIA Coordinator/NIRF Coordinator



Mr. Nebu Cherian

IPR Coordinator



Dr. Sabeen Govind

Innovation Activity

Computer Science


Mr. Britoraj

Startup Coordinator



Ms. Preethy Nagraj

Internship Coordinator

Management and Professional Studies


Ms. Mahesh K M

Social Media



Ms. Shiji N


Social Work


Mr. Ebin Babu P


Management and Professional Studies


Ms. Devi S Nair


Management and Professional Studies


Mr. Anas A P


Computer Science


Mr. Davis George


External Member

External, Alumini Entrepreneur


Mr. M A Ali


External Member

External, President, KSSIA, EKM


Ms. Haritha Gopinath


External Member

External, Banking, SBI, Manager


Mr. Adarsh Saji

Startup Coordinator

Student (BBA, III Year)


Ms. Raavi Vishwaja

Member, Startup

Student (BBA, II Year)


Mr. Pournami

Social Media,

Student (BBA, I Year)


Mr. Kuriachan Sanjai

IPR Coordinator

Student (BCom-Model 1, F&T (A Batch)


Ms. Nayana Anna Varghese

Member, IPR

Student (BCom-Model 1, F&T (A Batch)


Mr. Abey Thomson

Innovation Coordinator

Student (MCA I Year)


Ms. Revathi Jayakumar

Member, Innovation

Student (MCA I Year)


Ms. Sharlett Shibu

Member, Startup

Student (Model 1 FT A batch Sem 1)


Don Sabu Varkey



Model 2 C Batch - 3rd Sem


Joel C Poothuran Mathew


Internship Coordinator

( 1 BBA)





(MSW 1st year)


Nqobile Ritah Masimula



BSW second year


Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Centre (IEDCRCSS-Startup Mission)

In various educational institutions such as Engineering, Management, Arts & Science Colleges, Medical Institutions, Polytechnics, and Universities, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Centres (IEDCs) serve as platforms fostering experimentation and innovation. Kerala Startup Mission has established IEDCs in 341 institutions across the state, providing students with opportunities to transform creative ideas into viable products and services. These centers serve as the initial launch pad for students' entrepreneurial journeys, offering access to cutting-edge technology, world-class infrastructure, mentorship, early-stage capital, and global exposure. The RCSS Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Centres (RCSSIEDC) collaborate with IIC and Gyan Prayag Incubation Centre, organizing events focused on innovation, technology, and entrepreneurship. The Business Spark challenge encourages students to devise solutions for everyday problems, promoting and supporting their entrepreneurial ventures.


Empower stakeholders to innovate and prototype groundbreaking ideas, aligning with industrial standards. Establish a dynamic business network equipped with essential infrastructure, fostering collaboration with Government, industry, and esteemed global academic institutions. Our mission is to assist individuals in setting new benchmarks in the business realm, creating impactful contributions through RCSSIEDC.


Empowering visionary entrepreneurs, RCSSIEDC strives to be a self-sustained incubator fostering innovation with social impact, cultivating entrepreneurship for national economic and social advancement

Team of IEDC at RCSS




Mail ID

 Role in IEDC

Dr. (Fr.) Saju MD




Fr. (Dr.) Joseph MK, CMI


Commerce & Management and Professional Studies

 Nodal Officer

Dr. Pradeep P N

Assistant Professor

Management and Professional Studies

 Nodal Officer

Ms. Devi S. Nair

Assistant Professor

Management and Professional Studies

 Nodal Officer

RCSS has always promoted entrepreneurship and capacity development through its curriculum and field action projects. Understanding the need of the hour and the role of incubation centres in the nation building, RCSS has planned and setup a new state-of-the-art incubation centre. The centre aims at cultivating entrepreneurship attitude in the minds of students, supply them with adequate resources for the development of an enterprise and fuel them with wisdom to face the business demands. The centre also aims at developing social entrepreneurship and innovating techniques that can solve social problems.

‘Gyan’ refers to knowledge and ‘Prayag’ is the meeting place of holy Rivers the Yamuna and the Ganges. Thus ‘Gyan Prayag’ is the Confluence of knowledge to create a world of innovations that enhances opportunities. Gyan Prayag handholds the students and alumni with innovative ideas, to develop into fully seasoned entrepreneurs with ample facilities to kick start their creative ideas. The Confluence guarantees you the most creative working ambiance where dreams can be converted into realities.


  1. To stimulate entrepreneurial spirit and to promote innovation
  2. To create, support and nurture entrepreneurial ideas from the campus for enhanced job creation and career development.
  3. To support and ensure social development by promoting micro enterprises
  4. To improve the economic activity of the nation by commercialization of ideas generated by the ignited minds of RCSS



The state-of-the-art Incubation Centre boasts of world class support services which targets the budding entrepreneurs among the students and alumnus of RCSS who are well equipped with a enterprising plan. The centre also acts as an inspiring, educating and development centre for business aspirants of RCSS family.The centre is divided into three zones to facilitate a smooth transition of students from idea generation to commercialisation of ideas.

Zone 1

The zone 1 is a common place for all entrepreneurship aspirants and comprises a seminar hall which will be used for brainstorming, research and analysis, training and gathering. This zone will be used as an idea germination area and a common meeting place. All the aspirants will be meeting here for discussions, debates, activities, learning and planning. This zone will be also an abode for the preliminary phases of starting a business. The formation of the company, its initial operations and nascent stage will be facilitated at zone 1. This zone is also equipped with a mini conference hall which can be used for meetings, company discussions and review.

Zone 2

Successful ideas germinated in zone 1 and that are market viable enterprising will be elevated from zone 1 to zone 2 of the incubation centre after the review by advisory committee. There will be continuous evaluation of the companies from the time of inception in zone 1 and they will be considered for the elevation only after successfully clearing the review process by Advisory Committee. All business units which are potentially ready in establishing a well- developed organisational structure, a strong business model and operation stability will be considered for accommodating in zone 2. The following facilities will be available in zone 2

  1. Own space
  2. Furniture
  3. Computers
  4. LAN/Wifi connectivity

Zone 3

Zone 3 is a facility inside the centre which caters to all the basic requirements to run a start-up company which is reaching close to its graduation. Here the companies will have individual private space for their operations, furniture, closed cubicle, LAN and landline phone connections. A company will be considered by the advisory committee for its elevation from Zone 2 to Zone 3 once the following criteria are met

  1. Well established vision, mission, objectives, policies, business model and structure
  2. Continuous improvement and enhanced performance from the time of inception
  3. An achievement of minimum 80% goals that are declared in the business plan.

And any other criteria fixed by the Advisory Committee based on their discretion