Admissions 2025 Integrated Programmes
FDP on Creation of E-content using smartphone

FDP ON Creation of E-content using smartphone

Rajagiri Centre for Professional Studies, Rajagiri College of Social Sciences(Autonomous) in collaboration with Risaya Media Ventures, powered by ContentEd, organized a 5 Day Faculty Development Programme on “Creation of E-content using smartphone”, for members of faculty, from August 22nd to August 26th 2022

The FDP was inaugurated by Dr. Binoy Joseph, Principal- Rajagiri College of Social Sciences(Autonomous) in  the presence of Aparna Gopinath, Expert Speaker & Theatre practitioner, in Dr. Fr. Joseph M K, Head of Department of Social Work, Dr. Jaya Vijayan, Dean- Rajagiri Centre for Professional Studies, Rathish Unnikrishnan, CEO- Risaya Media Ventures, other representatives from Risaya & Rajagiri institutions and participants.