Admissions 2025 Integrated Programmes
4th Rajagiri Conference on Economics and Finance (RCEF 2022)

Call for papers
4th Rajagiri Conference on Economics and Finance (RCEF 2022)
“Emerging Trends in Global Finance”
28 - 29 November 2022

The 4th Rajagiri Conference on Economics and Finance (RCEF) under the theme “Emerging Trends in Global Finance”, organised by Rajagiri College of Social Sciences (RCSS) & Rajagiri Business School (RBS) in association with the University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw, Poland, invites submissions on a broad range of topics in economics and finance. The conference aims to bring academicians, practitioners and policy makers together to exchange high-quality research.
Interested scholars are invited to submit an extended abstract on or before 10th October 2022. The submissions will be reviewed by experts on its originality, significance, quality and clarity.
Papers presented in the conference will be considered for publication in the following journals:
1. Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment (Scopus - Q1)
2. Heliyon  (Scopus - Q1)
3. Annals of Financial Economics (Scopus - Q3)
4. Asia Pacific Financial Markets (ABDC - C)
5. Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences (ABDC - C)
6. Advances in Decision Sciences (Scopus - Q4) 

Papers need to meet the set quality criteria and fall in the aim and scope of applicable journals. Authors must bear the publication/ submission fees wherever applicable. Only one paper per team of author-co-author/s will be considered for each journal.

Submission Guidelines
Manuscript to be submitted as a single file, preferably in the PDF format. Font size for the body of the text should be 12 point Times New Roman. The submission should contain: the title, name(s) of the author(s), affiliation(s), key words, JEL classification codes, and e-mail address of the corresponding author. Please name the manuscript as “Last Name_ First Name” of the submitting author.


This edition of the conference will be held virtually through webinars. Details of the platform and panels will be communicated on a later date.

Keynote Speaker:  View Keynote Speaker's Profiles

  • Dr. Vanja Piljak (University Lecturer in Finance, School of Accounting & Finance, University of Vaasa) 
  • Dr. P. Krishna Prasanna (Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Chennai)


Pre-Conference Workshop Sessions: View Workshop session Expert's Profile



Resource Person


Introduction to Basic Econometrics; Hands-on session with Stata

Prof. Ashis Kumar Pradhan

Assistant Professor, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal


Advanced Econometrics: Time Series Analysis

Prof. Samit Paul

Assistant Professor, IIM - Calcutta


Research Methods in Finance: Difference in Difference

Prof. Nemiraja Jadiyappa

Associate Professor, IIM-Kozhikode


The Art of Publishing Finance Research in top tier Journals

Prof. Garima Sisodia

Assistant Professor, Rajagiri Business School, Kochi


Important Dates:

  • Submission Deadline: 10th October  2022
  • Acceptance of extended abstracts for the conference: 25th October 2022
  • Submission of full papers: 10th November 2022
  • Registration for the conference: 11th November 2022 – 20th November 2022
  • Conference Date (via video conferencing): 28 – 29 November 2022


Registration fees for presenters and participants are:


Only Conference

Only Workshop

Conference and Workshop

Students and Research Scholars

Rs. 1,000

Rs. 1,500

Rs. 2,000


Rs. 2,000

Rs. 2,000

Rs. 3,000


Rs. 3,000

Rs. 5,000

Rs. 6,000

International Participants





PN : Workshop details will be updated soon

Submission Link:  Click Here

Download : Conference Brochure


Conference Email:


  • CA. (Dr.) Ajay Lunawat, ajay@rajagiri,edu, +91 8982233333
  • Dr. Rintu Antony,, +91 9445634201