Admissions 2024 Integrated Programmes
1st Rajagiri Management Conference (RMC)
Date: 15/Oct/2020 - 16/Oct/2020

About the Conference

The 1st Rajagiri Management Conference (RMC), to be organized jointly by Rajagiri Business School, Rajagiri College of Social Sciences Kochi, India and Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. RMC will provide an opportunity to academicians, doctoral students, and practitioners to share and exchange ideas in the area of management. Given the new normal, the participants will have the opportunity to present their paper either virtually or in-person as per their convenience. 

Opportunity to publish in reputed journals
The Rajagiri Management Conference provides you with an opportunity to publish your papers in the special/regular issue of the following journals. Refer to each journal’s homepage for more details.
1. Journal of Strategic Marketing (ABDC-A)
2. Journal of Risk and Financial Management (ABDC-B, In consultation with the special issue Editor)
3. Journal of Public Affairs (ABDC-B, In consultation with the SE Asia Regional Editor)
4. International Journal of Emerging Markets (ABDC-B, In consultation with the senior editor Prof. Aviral Kumar Tiwari and Editor-in-chief)
5. Arthaniti: Journal of Economic Theory and Practice (UGC care list, In consultation with the associate editor Prof. Aviral Kumar Tiwari and Editor-in-chief)
6. (ABDC-C, In consultation with the editorial member Prof. Aviral Kumar Tiwari and Editor-in-chief)


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